Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Hate Stuff

After moving approximately enough boxes to populate China from my parent's old house to my parent's new house, I have come to the conclusion that I Hate Stuff.
Some of the more interesting things that we've moved over (that my Dad wouldn't let us throw away):
6 (count 'em, 6!) copies of Preach My Gospel (not including mine, probably the only one that gets used)
3 years worth of General Conference on audio tape- do we even have a tape player?
2 full boxes of VHS tapes that no one has watched since, well, ever (this does not include the full box of Disney VHS that my nieces and nephews watch when they come to visit) mostly dental training videos for obsolete techniques
4 swords- one giant wooden broadsword (for playing with, naturally), one smaller wooden rapier (so that the fighter with the broadsword can kick your butt), a samurai sword from Thailand, and a metal rapier from Italy. All my brother's.
6 oil drums, in which we will keep our 3 tonnes of wheat (probably more than a year's supply)
Now, I know that this is just my parent's lifetime accumulation of things, and I'm glad that much of it (having sentimental value) has been saved, but some of it could really be thrown away. I've determined to, when I grow up, live in a completely empty apartment, with no stuff whatsoever. Althoug, with no stuff, I may as well live in the street.
Oh well. I suppose I should think positive. At least we were able to ditch the 4 cubic feet of floppy disks this time.

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