Monday, December 28, 2009

Sweet Blood

I feel like Bella in Twilight. Remember how the smell of her blood was irresistible to Edward? Well, apparently the bugs on Koh Lanta feel the same way about mine. I am covered with little red bumps that itch- on my toes, knuckles of my fingers, behind my knees, and about 30 individual bites on my lower left leg alone. Yes, I really counted them.

The funny thing is that when I first started noticing these bites, I asked the rest of the family whether they had noticed a similar appetite among the little critters. The universal response was, "Bugs? Well, I think I might have a bite or two..." with an unconcerned shrug.

I have come to the inevitable solution that my blood is tastier than theirs. Ha! I win! Somewhat of a hollow victory, but I'll take what I can get. Fingers crossed, hoping there's no vampires about. Unless they're as cute as Robert Pattinson.


Eileen Young said...

I like your picture of "SWEET BLOOD" - guess you shall be called 'sweetie' - hopefully not only by hymenoptera!
Happy New Year.

Katey said...

Funny...but don't expect me to feel too much sympathy Neen. Beaches in Thailand (albeit with bug bites) or windchill of -30C in Slave Lake. Which would you choose?