Sunday, January 17, 2010

Numero sata!

For all you non-Finnish speakers out there, the title means "Number 100!" Having this be my 100th post makes me feel like it should be something special, but unfortunately I've got nothing. Sorry.

Oooohhh. Idea just came. Here follows a list of hundreds in my current life:

Song on my iTunes that has been played exactly 100 times: Slide by the GooGoo Dolls

Number of goals actually written on my list of 100 life goals that the guest speaker told us to make last summer: 53

Hundreds of pages I have to read for my classes this week: 1.5

Mark out of 100 I scored on my last-minute heart attack Game Theory exam last semester: 78

Hundreds of dollars I spent on textbooks last week: 2.5

Hundreds of dollars I recently qualified for in student loans: 60

Score out of 100 that I would give my trip to Thailand: 110!

Number of people who actually read this blog: Nowhere near 100, but who cares?

1 comment:

Katey said...

Do faithful famly readers count for double? Don't worry, I suspect that your reader following is more extensive than my own!