Sunday, January 24, 2010

Words to Live By

Tonight I attended a YSA fireside given by a really nice, funny couple. Predictably (as when a large group of mixed-gender Mormon singles gets together to hear a lecture of some kind) the subject dealt with marriage and dating. Now, I'm not complaining. The marriage talks are some of my favourites. Speakers know that we've heard it time and time again, so they always come up with some new and fun way to tell us to get cracking on the dating thing.

Tonight's golden nugget of wisdom, referring to women's role in the Mormon dating scene:

"She who has a plan, will get a man." I think I'll stitch that one on to a throw pillow.


Eileen Young said...

Good advice & it even rhymes! Go for it !

Jane said...

HAHAHAHA! Enough said!

reddy said...

If you do needle it on a pillow, you must write it in the proverbial way. It's much funnier then.

reddy said...

If you do needle it on a pillow, you must write it in the proverbial way. It's much funnier then.

Janine said...

Okay, since Elena insists, I'll tell you the version that I made up to sound more scriptural:
"She who hath a plan, doth get a man." (I feel like i could credit that to some famous philosopher)