Friday, September 7, 2007

My Attempt at Environmental Commentary

I don't know how many of you know my feelings on global warming, but let me sum it up in these two observations:
1. An Inconvenient Truth was a farce. I couldn't take it seriously, especially after several graphs shown by Al Gore used techniques right out of the "Graphical Deception" section of my economic statistics class.
2. We know so little about the way that the world works that I believe that it is difficult for us to determine what effect we are having on the planet.
In conclusion, the planet may be warming up. It may even be doing so because of man's presence and because of their gas-guzzling cars. I don't know, and frankly, I don't care. What I do care about is people like Al Gore trying to frighten the general populace into submission. Read Michael Chrichton's "State of Fear" for an interesting perspective.
For now, though, I came across a great explanation for the phenomenon. Before you respond, consider the environmental consequences.