Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Treasure Chest

Today was a day like none other. Why, you may ask? Well, you shall see.
I attended a friendly gathering of friends this afternoon. A Sunday Dinner in all its glory. Friends, food, controversial topics, current events, all were present. But today there was something more...
A cache of hidden treasure. A store of goodies beyond our wildest imagination, just waiting for us to blindfold ourselves, be spun around in circles, handed a stick, and swing with all our might.
Yes, my friends, there was a pinata.
Shaped like a treasure chest, it invited all to partake in its bounty- after we had beat it to a broken mess, a cascade of plenty burst from its seams, spilling over the carpet and across the room. Following a mad scramble, much candy was enjoyed, including magic rocks that turned into chocolate in the mouth (in the same manner as M&Ms do, but the package said they were magic).
Much thanks to that emissary of fun, that bearer of Mexican party tricks:
The bringer of the pinata.

1 comment:

Jbear said...

Happy Birthday Janine! I hope that your special day was filled with cake, blowing out candles, presents and many happy birthday wishes!